About the Project

Nagoya University has been selected by the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, for the “Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation promotion Program (SIP) Phase 3, Development of Smart Mobility Platform” (Research Promotion Corporation: New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)) for the following proposal.

Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation promotion Program (SIP) Phase 3,
Development of Smart Mobility Platform

Theme: Building Smart Districts Utilizing Advanced Mobility Systems

Project Leader
Dr. Takayuki Morikawa, Designated Professor, Institutes of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University
Research Organization
Tokai National Higher Education and Research System
Project Leader
Institutes of Innovation for Future Society, Nagoya University
Tokai National Higher Education and Research System
Designated ProfessorDr. Takayuki Morikawa

R&D tasks